
Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Orders of Major-General George G. Meade, June 30, 1863

June 30, 1863.
Headquarters at Taneytown.

Third Corps to Emmitsburg; Second Corps to Taneytown; Fifth Corps to Hanover; Twelfth Corps to Two Taverns; First Corps to Gettysburg; Eleventh Corps to Gettysburg (or supporting distance); Sixth Corps to Manchester.

Cavalry to the front and flanks, well out in all directions, giving timely notice of positions and movements of the enemy. All empty wagons, surplus baggage, useless animals, and impediments of every sort to Union Bridge, 3 miles from Middleburg; a proper officer from each corps with them. Supplies will be brought up there as soon as practicable.

The general relies upon every commander to put his column in the lightest possible order. The telegraph corps to work east from Hanover, repairing the line, and all commanders to work repairing the line in their vicinity between Gettysburg and Hanover. Staff officers to report daily from each corps and with orderlies to leave for orders. Prompt information to be sent into headquarters at all times. All ready to move to the attack at any moment.

The commanding general desires you to be informed that, from present information, Longstreet and Hill are at Chambersburg, partly toward Gettysburg; Ewell at Carlisle and York. Movements indicate a disposition to advance from Chambersburg to Gettysburg.

General Couch telegraphs, 29th, his opinion that the enemy's operations on the Susquehanna are more to prevent co-operation with this army than offensive. The general believes he has relieved Harrisburg and Philadelphia, and now desires to look to his own army, and assume position for offensive or defensive, as occasion requires, or rest to the troops.

It is not his desire to wear the troops out by excessive fatigue and marches, and thus unfit them for the work they will be called upon to perform. Vigilance, energy, and prompt response to the orders from headquarters are necessary, and the personal attention of corps commanders must be given to reduction of impedimenta.  The orders and movements from these headquarters must be carefully and confidentially preserved, that they do not fall into the enemy's hands.

By command of Major-General Meade:
. Assistant Adjutant-General.

SOURCE: George Meade, The Life and Letters of George Gordon Meade, Vol. 2, p. 16-7; The War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Series I, Volume 27, Part 3 (Serial No. 45), p. 416

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