
Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Brigadier-General Thomas Kilby Smith to Elizabeth Budd Smith, October 14, 1863

Headquarters Second Brigade,
First Div., Seventeenth Army Corps,
Vicksburg, Miss., Oct. 14, 1863.
My Dear Wife:

My last advices to you have been from Natchez. Since then, I have hurriedly changed my base. How long I shall remain here will depend upon other moves and circumstances. You must not suffer yourself to be worried for me if many days at a time elapse without intelligence from me; of course, communication won't be continually interrupted. I left very pleasant and luxurious quarters at Natchez, and some good and kind friends, to come into the field and the bivouac, soldiers' fates, and we make the best of it.

SOURCE: Walter George Smith, Life and letters of Thomas Kilby Smith, p. 339-40

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