
Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Diary of Charles H. Lynch: Friday, August 22, 1862

Early this morning great crowds began to arrive in camp as we were to leave for the war. About 10 A. M. a large delegation of Norwich ladies came into camp with fine flags, National and State, which they presented to the regiment, Governor Buckingham making the presentation for the ladies from whom the flags came. The flags were received by Colonel Ely and then turned over to the color-sergeants who had been selected to carry them. Then assigned to Company C, our company. This event over, the regiment broke ranks.

About 3 P. M. the regiment broke camp, formed in line, and began our march to the city. Business was suspended. Great crowds lined the streets as the regiment marched along. Near five hundred young men from Norwich were in the regiment, leaving home for the life of a soldier in the great war. It was a very sad day in old Norwich. The boys marched on, going on board the large, fine steamer City of Boston, of the New York and New London Line. Many sad farewells as we marched on board the boat. The Norwich Brass Band volunteered its services as far as New York. About 7 P. M. the boat left the dock, going slowly down the Thames River. The music by the band, cheering by the people, roaring of cannons, and the great crowds made a scene that could not be forgotten. As the steamer rounded a bend in the river our view of Norwich was cut off and the shades of night were coming on. The lights of New London began to show up. Passing on, the steamer was soon out into Long Island Sound.

SOURCE: Charles H. Lynch, The Civil War Diary, 1862-1865, of Charles H. Lynch 18th Conn. Vol's, p. 6-7

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