
Monday, July 14, 2014

General John Bell Hood to General Braxton Bragg, October 8, 1864

CEDARTOWN, October 8, 1864.
(Via Montevallo.)
General B. BRAGG:

When Sherman found this army on his communications he left Atlanta hurriedly with his main body and formed line of battle near Kenesaw Mountain. I at once moved to this point, and marching to-morrow shall cross the Coosa River about ten miles below Rome, and, moving up the west bank of the Oostenaula, hope to destroy his communications from Kingston to Tunnel Hill, forcing him to fall back or move south. If the latter, I shall move on his rear; if the former, I shall move to the Tennessee River via La Fayette and Gadsden. I leave near Jacksonville all surplus baggage, artillery, and wagons, and move prepared for battle. Should I move to the Tennessee my trains will meet me at Gadsden. Please have the Memphis and Charleston Railroad repaired at once to Decatur, if possible.

 J. B. HOOD,

SOURCES: The War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Series I, Volume 39, Part 2 (Serial No. 79), p. 804-5; John Bell Hood, Advance and Retreat, p. 259

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