
Thursday, July 24, 2014

Harriett Newby to Dangerfield Newby, April 22, 1859

BRENTVILLE, April 22d, 1859.

I received your letter to-day, and it gives me much pleasure to here from you, but was sorry to _____ of your sikeness; hope you may be well when you receive this. I wrote to you several weeks ago, and directed my letter to Bridge Port, but I fear you did not receive it, as you said nothing about it in yours. You must give my love to Brother Gabial, and tell him I would like to see him very much. I wrote in my last letter that Miss Virginia had a baby — a little girl. I had to nerse her day and night. Dear Dangerfield, you cannot amagine how much I want to see you. Com as soon as you can, for nothing would give more pleasure than to see you. It is the grates Comfort I have is thinking of the promist time when you will be here. Oh, that bless hour when I shall see you once more. My baby commenced to Crall to-day; it is very delicate. Nothing more at present, but remain

Your affectionate wife,
P. S. Write soon.

SOURCE: H. W. Flournoy, Editor, Calendar of Virginia State Papers and Other Manuscripts from January 1 1836 to April 15, 1869, Volume 11, p. 310-1

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