
Friday, July 25, 2014

Harriett Newby to Dangerfield Newby, August 16, 1859

Brentville, August 16th, 1859.
Dear Husband:

Your kind letter came duly to hand, and it gave me much pleasure to here from you, and especely to here you are better of your rhumatism, and hope when I here from you again you may be entirely well. I want you to buy me as soon as possible, for if you do not get me some body else will. The servants are very disagreeable; they do all they can to set my mistress against me. Dear Husband you ___ not the trouble I see; the last two years has ben like a trouble  dream to me. It is said Master is in want of monney. If so, I know not what time he may sell me, an then all my bright hops of the futer are blasted, for their has ben one bright hope to cheer me in all my troubles, that is to be with you, for if I thought I shoul never see you this earth would have no charms for me. Do all you can for me, witch I have no doubt you will. I want to see you so much. The children are all well. The baby can not walk yet all. It can step around everything by holding on. It is very much like Agnes. I must bring my letter to a Close as I have no newes to write. You mus write soon and say when you think you can come.

Your affectionate wife,
Harriett Newby.

SOURCE: H. W. Flournoy, Editor, Calendar of Virginia State Papers and Other Manuscripts from January 1 1836 to April 15, 1869, Volume 11, p. 311

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