
Sunday, July 6, 2014

John Brown to his Children, November 2, 1854

Akron, Nov. 2, 1854.

Dear Children, — I feel still pretty much determined to go back to North Elba; but expect Owen and Frederick will set out for Kansas on Monday next, with cattle belonging to John, Jason, and themselves, intending to winter somewhere in Illinois. I expect to set out for Albany to-morrow, and for Connecticut after the 8th. I mean to go and see you before I return, if my money for expenses will hold out. Money is extremely scarce, and I have been some disappointed, so that I do not now know as I shall be able to go and see you at this time. Nothing but the want of means will prevent me, if life and health are continued. Gerrit Smith wishes me to go back to North Elba; from Douglass and Dr. McCune Smith I have not yet heard. I shipped you a cask of pork containing 347 pounds clear pork, on the 19th, directed to Henry Thompson, North Elba, Essex Co., N. Y., care C. B. Hatch & Son, Westport. We are all in usual health.

Your affectionate father,
John Brown

SOURCE: Franklin B. Sanborn, The Life and Letters of John Brown, p. 110-1

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