
Wednesday, July 30, 2014

John Brown to Mary Ann Day Brown, December 22, 1851

Boston, Mass., Dec. 22, 1851.

Dear Mary, —  . . . There is an unusual amount of very interesting things happening in this and other countries at present, and no one can foresee what is yet to follow. The great excitement produced by the coming of Kossuth, and the last news of a new revolution in France, with the prospect that all Europe will soon again be in a blaze, seems to have taken all by surprise. I have only to say in regard to those things, I rejoice in them, from the full belief that God is carrying out his eternal purpose in them all. I hope the boys will be particularly careful to have no waste of feed of any kind, for I am strongly impressed with the idea that a long, severe winter is before us.

SOURCE: Franklin B. Sanborn, The Life and Letters of John Brown, p. 146

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