
Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Levi Burnell to Owen Brown Sr., April 3, 1840

Oberlin, April 3, 1840.

Dear Brother Brown, — I received your favor by your son John, and our committee have opened negotiations with him preliminary to his visiting our Virginia lands. We hope for a favorable issue, both for him and the institution. When he has thoroughly examined the papers and spent the necessary time upon the premises, we expect that he will know more than all of us about the matter; and I trust we shall feel disposed to offer liberal inducements for him and others to settle there, if that is best. Should he succeed in clearing up titles without difficulty or lawsuits, it would be easy, as it appears to me, to make provision for religious and school privileges, and by proper efforts, with the blessing of God, soon see that wilderness bud and blossom as the rose.

SOURCE: Franklin B. Sanborn, The Life and Letters of John Brown, p. 135

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