
Saturday, July 26, 2014

Major-General Thomas J. Jackson to Mary Anna Morrison Jackson, October 6, 1862

Bunker Hill, Oct. 6th.

I am glad that you were privileged to keep Thanksgiving Day. We did not enjoy that blessing, I regret to say. I trust it was generally observed, and that rich blessings may flow from it through our ever-kind Heavenly Father. I also hope that on that day large contributions were made to our Bible Society. You and I have, as you say, special reason for gratitude to God for His goodness and mercy to us.  . . . The citizens of Frederick did not present me the horse, as was published, though a Marylander gave me a fine-looking animal, possessed of great muscle and fine powers of endurance; but he was not gentle, and of this the donor notified me. Notwithstanding the notice, I mounted and rode him that evening, and he did well. The next morning, however, when I attempted again to ride him, he reared up and fell back with me, hurting me considerably. Miss Osbourn, of Jefferson, sent me some excellent socks, and a beautiful scarf, which I wish my darling had. Our friend, Mrs. Graham, of Winchester, sent me two nice sponge-cakes last week, and a Mr. Vilwig, of the same place, sent me an excellent arm-chair for camp use. I wish I could keep it until the close of the war, as I think my esposa would enjoy it. You are earnestly remembered in my prayers

SOURCE: Mary Anna Jackson, Life and Letters of General Thomas J. Jackson (Stonewall Jackson), p. 360-1

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