
Thursday, July 31, 2014

Requisition by Governor Henry A. Wise for Albert Hazlett, November 1, 1859

The Commonwealth Of Virginia,

To all to whom these Presents shall come, Greeting:

Know you, that our Governor, in pursuance of authority vested in the Executive by law, hath constituted and appointed William N. Kelly the Agent of this Commonwealth, to demand and receive from the Executive authority of the State of Pennsylvania a Fugitive from Justice, called William Harrison alias Albert Hazlett, alias E. H. or some name not known, & to deliver him to the proper authority of this State, to be dealt with according to Law.


Witness, Henry A. Wise our said Governor, this first day of November A.D. 1859 and in the eighty fourth year of the Commonwealth.

By the Governor.
Henry A. Wise
George W. Munford
Secretary of the Commonwealth.


Requisition for Harrison alias Haslett

In obedience to the Warrant of Wm P Parker by Gov of Penna I have granted my warrant to the within named Wm N. Kelly to take the person of Wm Harrison, alias Albert Hazlet and deliver him to the authorities of the State Virginia.

Witness my hand as Presg Judge of the 9 Judicial district of Penna the 5 Nov 1869

S. H. Graham.

SOURCE: Massachusetts Historical Society, Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society, Third Series, Volume 1, p. 513-4

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