
Tuesday, August 19, 2014

3rd Ohio Cavalry

Organized at Camp Worcester September 4-December 11, 1861. Moved to Camp Dennison, near Cincinnati, Ohio, January 14, 1862, and to Jeffersonville, Ind., February 21. Moved to Nashville, Tenn., March 2. Attached to 6th Division, Army Ohio, to June, 1862. Cavalry Brigade, Army Ohio, to September, 1862. 2nd Brigade, Cavalry Division, Army Ohio, to November, 1862. 2nd Brigade, Cavalry Division, Army of the Cumberland, to January, 1863. 2nd Brigade, 1st Cavalry Division, Army Cumberland, to March, 1863. 2nd Brigade, 2nd Cavalry Division, Army of the Cumberland, to October, 1864. 2nd Brigade, 2nd Division, Wilson's Cavalry Corps, Military Division Mississippi, to August, 1865.

SERVICE. – March with 6th Division, Army Ohio, from Nashville to Savannah, Tenn., March 29-April 6, 1862. Action at Lawrenceburg April 4 (1st Battalion). Advance on and siege of Corinth, Miss., April 29-May 30. Guard duty along Memphis & Charleston Railroad June to August. Near Woodville, Ala., August 4. Expedition from Woodville to Guntersville, Ala. (3rd Battalion). Guntersville and Law's Landing August 28 (3rd Battalion). Expedition to Dunlap August 29-31. Old Deposit Ferry August 29 (3rd Battalion). March to Louisville, Ky., in pursuit of Bragg September 3-25. Glasgow, Ky., September 18. Munfordsville September 20-21 (1st Battalion). Pursuit of Bragg into Kentucky October 1-15. Bardstown Pike October 1. Near Bardstown October 4. Battle of Perryville October 8. Lexington October 17-18. Pursuit of Morgan to Gallatin, Tenn. March to Nashville, Tenn., and duty there till December 26. Tunnel Hill November 19. Advance on Murfreesboro December 26-30. Franklin December 26-27. Battle of Stone's River December 30-31, 1862, and January 1-3, 1863. Overall's Creek December 31. Stewart's Creek and Lavergne January 1, 1863. Conduct trains to Nashville and return. Insane Asylum January 3. Shelbyville Pike January 5. Near Woodbury January 19 (Cos. "A," "D," "E" and "F"). Bradysville Pike, near Murfreesboro, January 23. Expedition to Liberty, Auburn and Alexandria February 3-5. Vaught's Hill, Milton, February 18. Bradysville March 1. Expedition toward Columbia March 4-14. Chapel Hill March 5. Rutherford Creek March 10-11. Woodbury Pike March 27 (2nd Battalion). Expedition from Readyville to Woodbury April 2 (2nd Battalion). Smith's Ford April 2. Expedition from Murfreesboro to Auburn, Snow Hill, Liberty, etc., April 2-6. Snow Hill, Woodbury, April 3. Liberty April 3. Franklin April 9-10. Schoeppe House May 9. Reconnoissance from Lavergne May 12. Middleton May 21-22. Scout to Smithville June 4-5. Snow Hill June 4. Smithville June 5. Middle Tennessee or Tullahoma Campaign June 23-July 7. Morris Ford, Elk River, July 2. Occupation of Middle Tennessee till August 16. Expedition to Huntsville July 13-22. Passage of Cumberland Mountains and Tennessee River, and Chickamauga (Ga.) Campaign August 16-September 22. Reconnoissance from Stevenson to Trenton, Ga., August 28-31. Reconnoissance from Winston's Gap to Broomtown Valley September 5. Alpine September 3 and 8. Reconnoissance from Alpine to Lafayette September 10. Battle of Chickamauga, Ga., September 19-21. Operations against Wheeler and Roddy September 30-October 17. McMinnville October 4. Garrison's Creek, near Fosterville, October 6 (1st Battalion). Wartrace October 6 (1st Battalion). Farmington October 7. Sim's Farm, near Shelbyville, October 7. Chattanooga-Ringgold Campaign November 23-27. Raid on East Tennessee & Georgia Railroad November 24-27. Charleston November 26. Cleveland November 27. March to relief of Knoxville November 28-December 8. Near Loudoun December 2. Philadelphia December 3. Expedition to Murphey, N. C., December 6-11. Regiment reenlisted January, 1864. Demonstration on Dalton, Ga., February 22-27. Near Dalton February 23. Tunnel Hill, Buzzard's Roost Gap and Rocky Faced Ridge February 23-25. Atlanta (Ga.) Campaign May 1-September 8. Courtland Road, Ala., May 26. Pond Springs, near Courtland, May 27. Moulton May 28-29. Operations about Marietta and against Kenesaw Mountain June 10-July 1. Rosswell June 10. McAffee's Cross Roads June 11. Noonday Creek June 15-19 and 27. Powder Springs June 20. Near Marietta June 23. Assault on Kenesaw June 27. Nickajack Creek July 2-5. Big Shanty June 3. Rottenwood Creek July 4. On line of the Chattahoochie River July 5-17. Garrard's Raid to Covington July 22-24. Covington July 22. Siege of Atlanta July 24-August 15. Garrard's Raid to South River July 27-31. Flat Rock Bridge July 28. Peach Tree Road August 15. Kilpatrick's Raid around Atlanta August 18-22. Red Oak, Flint River and Jonesborough August 19. Lovejoy Station August 20. Jonesborough August 22. Operations at Chattahoochie River Bridge August 26-September 2. Occupation of Atlanta September 2. Florence September 17. Operations against Hood and Forest in North Georgia and North Alabama September 29-November 3. Near Lost Mountain October 4-7. New Hope Church October 5. Dallas October 7. Rome October 10-11. Narrows October 11. Coosaville Road, near Rome, October 13. Near Summerville October 18. Little River, Ala., October 20. Leesburg and Blue Pond October 21. King's Hill, near Gadsden, Ala., October 23. Ladiga, Terrapin Creek, October 28. Ordered to Louisville, Ky., and duty there till December. Ordered to Gravelly Springs, Ala., December 28, and duty there till March, 1865. Wilson's Raid to Macon, Ga., March 22-April 24. Selma April 2. Montgomery April 12. Pleasant Hill April 18. Double Bridges, Flint River, April 18. Macon, Ga., April 20. Duty at Macon and in Dept. of Georgia till August. Mustered out August 14, 1865.

Regiment lost during service 1 Officer and 58 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 6 Officers and 229 Enlisted men by disease. Total 294.

SOURCE: Frederick H. Dyer, A Compendium of the War of the Rebellion, Part 3, p. 1474-5

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