
Sunday, August 31, 2014

Brigadier-General Thomas Kilby Smith to Elizabeth Budd Smith, January 10, 1865

Eastport, Miss., January 10, 1865.

Our fleet arrived here this morning, and I am just debarking troops in the muddiest, worst country I ever saw. For some days past, as I wrote you in a former letter, I have been upon the flag ship of Admiral Lee, commanding the Mississippi Squadron, and have been very comfortable; the almost entire rest has been favorable to my health. I shall now be compelled to rough it ashore, but I think I shall get through.

General Thomas, I this moment learn, is expected here to-day.

The weather is warm, raining, muggy, and intensely disageeable, a warm Southern winter such as we had at Young's Point.

SOURCE: Walter George Smith, Life and letters of Thomas Kilby Smith, p. 377-8

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