
Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Congressman James A. Garfield to Corydon E. Fuller, September 15, 1864

Hiram, September 15, 1864.

My Dear Corydon: — Yours of August 24th has lain unanswered for some time in consequence of my absence. I have just got home — temporarily broken down with a cold. I find myself overwhelmed with a world of work in the way of correspondence. I have, therefore, only time to say that I promised Colfax that I will speak for him from the 27th inst. to October 1st inclusive, beginning at Peru. I hope to see you and have you with me as much as possible. Crete and Almeda join me in love to you and Mary.

Ever yours,

SOURCE: Corydon Eustathius Fuller, Reminiscences of James A. Garfield: With Notes Preliminary and Collateral, p. 360

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