
Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Diary of Corydon E. Fuller: Monday, April 3, 1865

Richmond has fallen! The flag of the Union waves in triumph over the rebel Capitol! The news reached the War Department about 11 o'clock this forenoon, and such a scene of rejoicing and shouting and general jubilee I have never before seen. Old men acted like boys, and young men are half crazed with delight. The first intimation we had of it in our office was from a wild hurrah from the next floor below, on which is Secretary Stanton's room, and within five minutes at least a thousand men were gathered about the west door, and shouting and shrieking in their wild delight. Every office was abandoned; the clerks determined to take a holiday, and the Secretary of War soon after issued orders to close all the offices. Speeches were made by Secretary Stanton, Vice-President Johnson, Gen. Nye, and others. Salutes were fired all about the city, and not less than five hundred guns spoke in echoing thunder of the glorious victory. Great preparations are being made for a grand illumination. The latest reports say that we have taken 25,000 prisoners, and that the capture of Lee's entire army seems certain.

SOURCE: Corydon Eustathius Fuller, Reminiscences of James A. Garfield: With Notes Preliminary and Collateral, p. 376

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