
Friday, August 29, 2014

Diary of Private Charles H. Lynch: December 10, 1863

Left camp early this morning. Passed through Martinsburg, going east, bound for Charlestown. Weather good. After a march of about eight miles, came to a halt at Leestown for rest and rations. Again on the march, forded the Opequan Creek. Not very pleasant at this time of year. Soldiers must not stop for wet feet. Pushing on. After a march of about eighteen miles we reached the town of Charlestown, Virginia, eight miles south of Harper's Ferry, just after dark, tired. Took possession of an old church for our quarters, the weather growing colder. No place for a fire. Trying to make ourselves comfortable for the night.

SOURCE: Charles H. Lynch, The Civil War Diary, 1862-1865, of Charles H. Lynch 18th Conn. Vol's, p. 30-1

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