
Thursday, August 7, 2014

General John Bell Hood to Jefferson Davis, November 12, 1864

Near Florence, Ala., November 12, 1864.
His Excellency the PRESIDENT,
Richmond, Va.:

Your telegram of the 7th received to-day. When Sherman moved out of Atlanta he came with five corps and kept them united until I moved from Gadsden to this point, intrenching himself wherever he halted. It was only after I reached this point, that he divided this force. After my descent upon the railroad and Dalton, I did not regard this army in proper condition for a pitched battle. It is now in excellent spirits and confident. Before leaving Gadsden I urged on General Beauregard to send General Forrest across the Tennessee River; this he ordered, and I intended when leaving Gadsden to cross the river at or near Gunter's Landing. Finding, however, when I reached that vicinity, that Forrest had not crossed, I could not without his co-operation pass the  river there, as I required Wheeler to look after my right flank. Forrest has not yet crossed over, but is moving up on this side of the river and will join me here. This circumstance, high water, and the fact that I had to draw supplies from and through a department not under my command, involving delay in their reaching me, have retarded my operations. As soon as Forrest joins me, which will be in a few days, I shall be able to move forward. Without the assistance of Forrest's cavalry I cannot secure my wagon trains when across the river. You may rely upon my striking the enemy wherever a suitable opportunity presents, and that I will spare no efforts to make that opportunity.


SOURCES: The War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Series I, Volume 39, Part 3 (Serial No. 79), p. 913; John Bell Hood, Advance and Retreat, p. 274

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