
Saturday, August 23, 2014

John Brown to his Children, June 18, 1855

Hudson, Ohio, June 18, 1855.

Dear Children, — I write to say that we are (after so long a time) on our way to North Elba, with our freight also delivered at the Akron depot; we look for it here to-night. If this reaches you before we get on, I would like to have some one with a good team go out to Westport on next Tuesday afternoon or Wednesday forenoon, to take us out or a load of our stuff. We have some little thought now of going with our freight by the Welland Canal and by Ogdensburgh to Westport, in which case we may not get around until after you get this. All are well here, so far as we know.

Your affectionate father,
John Brown.

 SOURCE: Franklin B. Sanborn, The Life and Letters of John Brown, p. 193

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