
Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Major-General George G. Meade to Margaretta Sergeant Mead, February 16, 1864

Headquarters Army Of The Potomac, February 16, 1864.

I reached camp yesterday about 4 P. M., but was so much engaged talking to those who came to see me that I had no time to write to you. I had a grand sleep last night in my old buffalo robe, and feel a great deal better to-day, the cold in my head being much better. Indeed, it may be imagination, but I think getting back to camp has been decidedly beneficial, notwithstanding I arrived in a snow storm and that it has been very cold to-day. My friend Lyman had a big fire in my tent all day before I came. By-the-by, Lyman tells me his father-in-law, Mr. Russell, studied law in your father's office, and remembers you very well. If you see Colonel Bache, you can tell him Lyman is the son of his old friend, as Lyman tells me his father was Mayor of Boston and married a Miss Henderson, of New York.

I have been overwhelmed with business and papers to-day. Among others, I have some fifteen applications for autographs and cartes-de-visite.

SOURCE: George Meade, The Life and Letters of George Gordon Meade, Vol. 2, p. 165-6

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