
Sunday, August 3, 2014

Major-General Thomas J. Jackson to Mary Anna Morrison Jackson, December 16, 1862

Yesterday, I regret to say, I did not send you a letter. I was on the front from before dawn until after sunset. The enemy, through God's blessing, was repulsed at all points on Saturday, and I trust that our Heavenly Father will continue to bless us. We have renewed reason for gratitude to Him for my preservation during the last engagement. We have to mourn the deaths of Generals Maxey Gregg and Thomas R. R. Cobb. The enemy has recrossed to the north side of the Rappahannock.  . . . I was made very happy at hearing through my baby daughter's last letter that she had entirely recovered, and that she “no longer saw the doctor’s gray whiskers.” 1 was much gratified to learn that she was beginning to notice and smile when caressed. I tell you, I would love to caress her and see her smile. Kiss the little darling for her father and give my grateful love to sister H–––.

SOURCE: Mary Anna Jackson, Life and Letters of General Thomas J. Jackson (Stonewall Jackson), p. 386

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