
Thursday, August 7, 2014

Major-General Thomas J. Jackson to Rev. Dr. Robert H. Morrison, March 28, 1863

Near Fredericksburg. March 28th, 1863.

Rev. Dr. R. H. Morrison:

Dear Sir, — Knowing that you take a deep interest in the progress of the church, I write to say that on yesterday the proclamation of our President for a day of humiliation and prayer received in the army a more general response than I have seen on any similar occasion since the beginning of the war.  . . . It was arranged among the chaplains that each one of them should preach twice yesterday — once to their own troops, and once to other troops, thus giving an opportunity of having the Gospel preached as extensively as practicable. I trust that yesterday was a solemn day throughout the Confederacy, and hope its good fruits will be abundant, and that God in His mercy will give us a speedy peace, so marked by His interposing hand that all shall recognize and acknowledge it as His gift.

I feel a deep interest in seeing a Christian daily paper established. I believe there is not a single daily paper in the country but which violates the Sabbath by printing on that holy day for its Monday's issue. I have thought upon this subject for several years, and it appears to me that now is a good time to start such a paper whilst our country is in trouble, and is looking to God for assistance. How can we consistently ask God to bless us when we continue to encourage, for the gratification of curiosity, a disregard for His holy law? Such a paper as it appears to me is demanded would give us as early news as is at present received at the printing-office on Sunday, as the paper, which would be mailed on Monday, would be printed on Saturday instead of Sunday. If such a paper could be established, it might be the means of influencing the future course of our country. What do you think of such an undertaking?

Very truly yours,
T. J. Jackson.

SOURCE: Mary Anna Jackson, Life and Letters of General Thomas J. Jackson (Stonewall Jackson), p. 401-2

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