
Friday, August 29, 2014

Marcus Spring to Mary Ann Day Brown, December 25, 1859

Eagleswood, Perth Amboy, N. J., Dec. 25th, '59.

We shall rejoice to hear all about your plans, especially in regard to the two daughters, whom we hoped it might be found desirable to send here, and even that we might hope to have your whole family somewhere near us. But I suppose the desire of Mr. Brown that you should return to North Elba, and that his remains be buried there, settles that matter with you, for the present, at least.

As regards our proposal in relation to the education of the two daughters, we wish you to consider that we are prepared to pay the amount named ($250) towards it wherever it seems best to you (after full consideration) to place them. Should it be elsewhere than here, the bills have only to be sent to me each quarter and they shall be promptly paid. I am not quite sure but that the $100 subscription of Mr. Birney for the same object was conditioned upon their coming to this school. But possibly he would change the terms if desired, and it was so.

With love and sympathy from us all to all your group.

SOURCE: Lillie Buffum Chace Wyman and Arthur Crawford Wyman, Elizabeth Buffum Chace, 1806-1899: Her Life and Its Environment, Volume 1, p. 352-3

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