
Saturday, August 30, 2014

Royal Phelps to Charles D. Miller, February 18, 1860

New-York, February 18th, 1860.

C. D. Miller, Esq., Peterboro:

Sir: I have received your letter of the 13th inst., complaining, on behalf of your father-in-law, of the use made of his name in a publication by the New-York Vigilant Association in October last; and although the publishing of my name to that document was an unwarrantable liberty, for I never signed it, or authorized any one to sign it for me, yet, as I did not contradict it at the time, I can hardly set up this plea now.

I have been disappointed in seeing Mr. Sherman today, but you shall hear from us early next week.

I am, sir, your most obedient servant,
Royal Phelps.

SOURCE: Gerrit Smith, Gerrit Smith and the Vigilant Association of the City of New-York, p. 5

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