
Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Salmon Brown to John Brown, June 22, 1855

Osawatomie, K. T., June 22, 1855.

Dear Father, — We received your letter from Rockford, Ill., this week, and are very glad that you are going to get through there soon, and that you are going to be here before fall. In answer to your questions about what you will need for your company, 1 would say that I have one acre of corn that looks very well, and some beans and squashes and turnips. You will want to get some pork and meal, and beans enough to last till the crop comes in, and then I think we will have enough grain to last through the winter. I will have a house up by the time that you will get here. My boots are very near worn out, and I shall need some summer pants and a hat. I bought an axe, and that you will not have to get. There are slaves owned within three miles of us.

Your affectionate son,
Salmon Brown.

SOURCE: Franklin B. Sanborn, The Life and Letters of John Brown, p. 198

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