
Monday, August 11, 2014

Speaker Schuyler Colfax to Corydon E. Fuller, August 29, 1864

August 29, 1864.

C. E. Fuller, Esq.My Dear Sir: — I will be at Rochester Thursday, Sept. 22, when Mr. Wilson is to speak, without fail. Have to change my programme some to bring me in that part of the district at the time, but will do so.

Gen. Garfield has replied to my letter of last month, that he will come after filling his own appointments at home. I have mapped out a route for him as follows, and so written him (to avoid his leaving home before a Sunday):

Peru, Tuesday, Sept. 27, 1 P. M.
Rochester, Wednesday, Sept. 28, 1 P. M.
Plymouth, Thursday, Sept. 29, 1 P. M.
Westville, Friday, Sept. 30, 1 P. M.
South Bend, Saturday, Oct. 1, P. M.

At Westville I am to have a mass-meeting that day for La Porte and Porter counties.

I have asked him to write if this will suit. I thought better to have him the next week after, than to crowd Wilson, himself and myself all up into one meeting.

Yours, truly,
Schuyler Colfax.

SOURCE: Corydon Eustathius Fuller, Reminiscences of James A. Garfield: With Notes Preliminary and Collateral, p. 359

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