
Monday, September 8, 2014

3rd New York ("Van Allen") Cavalry

Regiment organized by Companies as follows: "A" at Rochester July 17, "E" at Syracuse July 30, "C" at Rochester August 4, D at Albany August 12, E at Elmira August 22, "F" at Rochester August 20, "G" at Boonville August 21, "H" at Rochester August 27, "I" at Syracuse August 27, "K" organized as Company "G," 13th New York Infantry, at Elmira, N.Y., May 14 (attached August 23); "L" at Cincinnati, Ohio, September 13, 1861, and "M" at Albany September 10, 1862. Regiment organized at Meridian Hill, Washington, D.C., September 9, 1861. Attached to Banks' Division, Army of the Potomac (5 Cos.), and Stone's Division, Army of the Potomac (6 Cos.), to December, 1861. Stone's Corps of Observation to March, 1862. Defences of Washington, D.C., to April, 1862. Unattached, Dept. of North Carolina, to December, 1862. Unattached, 18th Army Corps, Dept. of North Carolina, to May, 1863. Cavalry Brigade, 18th Corps, to July, 1863. Defences of New Berne, N. C., Dept. of Virginia and North Carolina, to October, 1863. Heckman's Command, Newport News, Va., Dept. of Virginia and North Carolina, to December, 1863. Heckman's Command, Portsmouth, Va., Dept. of Virginia and North Carolina, to April 1864. 1st Brigade, Kautz's Cavalry Division, Army of the James, Dept. of Virginia and North Carolina, to December, 1864. Norfolk, Va., to January, 1865. Portsmouth, Va., to March, 1865. Suffolk, Va., to June, 1865. Norfolk, Va., to July, 1865.

SERVICE.--Duty In the Defences of Washington, D.C., and on the Upper Potomac till April, 1862. Operations on the Potomac October 21-24, 1861. Near Goose Creek and on Leesburg Road October 21. Ball's Bluff October 21. Near Edward's Ferry October 22. Bunker Hill, W. Va., March 5, 1862. Winchester March 10. Ordered to Dept. of North Carolina April 6. Haughton's Mills April 27. Near Burnt Church May 7. Reconnoissance toward Trenton May 15-16. Trenton Bridge May 15. Young's Cross Roads and Pollocksville May 15-16. Tranter's Creek May 30 (Co. "I"). Greenville Road May 81. Tranter's Creek June 2, 5 and 24 (Co. "I"). Swift Creek Bridge June 28 (Detachment). Tranter's Creek July 10. Expedition to Trenton and Pollocksville July 24-28. Trenton and Pollocksville July 25. Mill Creek July 26 (Co. "K"). Pollocksville July 26 (Co. "K"). Reconnoissance to Young's Cross Roads July 26-29 (Detachments. Near Young's Cross Roads July 27. Trenton and Kinston Road August 6. Reconnoissance to Swansboro August 14-15. Washington, N. C., September 6 (Cos. "D," "G," "H," "I" and "L"). Tranter's Creek September 9. Washington October 5 Pingo Creek October 29. Expedition from Newberne October 30-November 12. Rawle's Mills November 2. Near Tarboro November 5. Demonstration on Newberne November 11. Core Creek November 18. Foster's Expedition tp Goldsboro December 11-20. Kinston Road December 11-12. Southwest Creek December 13-14. Kinston December 14. Whitehall Bridge December 15. Olive Station, Goshen Swamp and Whitehall December 16. Dudley Station, Thompson's Bridge and Goldsboro December 17. Core Creek January 8, 1863. Reconnoissance to Pollocksville, Tranter's, Young's Cross Roads snd Onslow January 17-21. Pollocksville and Northeast River January 17. Near Tranter's January 18. Young's Cross Roads January- 18-19. White Oak Creek January 19. Near Jacksonville January 20. Sandy Ridge and near Washington February 13. Near Newberne February 27. Expedition to Swann's Quarter March 1-6 (Co. "F"). Near Fairfield March 3 (Co. "F"). Skeet March 3. Near Fairfield and Swann's Quarter March 3-4 (Co. "F"). Demonstration on Kinston March 6-8 (Cos. "A," "E" and "H"). Core Creek March 7 (Cos. "A," "E" and "H"). Dover March 7 (Co. "H"). Expedition to Mattamuskeet Lake March 7-14 (Co. "F"). Deep Gully New Berne, March 13-14 (Detachment). Siege of Washington March 30-April 20 (1 Co.). White Forks April 3. Gum Swamp April 4. Swann's Quarter April 4. Rodman's Point April 4-5 (1 Co.). Near Dover, Core Creek and Young's Cross Roads April 7. Little Swift Creek April 8. Blount's and Swift Creek April 9. Expedition to Swift Creek Village April 13-21 (Detachment). Trent Road April 13-14. Near Newberne April 15. Peletier's Mills April 16. Expedition toward Kinston April 16-21 (Co. "H"). Expedition to Little Washington April 17-19 (Detachment). Railroad Crossing, Core Creek, April 17-18. Big Swift Creek April 19. Sandy Ridge April 20 (Co. "H"). Expedition toward Kinston April 27-May 1 (Detachment). Wise's Cross Roads and Dover Road April 28. Near Core Creek April 29. Core Creek April 30. Evans' Mills May 5. Peletter's Mills May 5 (4 Cos.). Stony Creek May 7 (4 Cos.). Demonstration on Kinston May 20-23 (4 Cos.). Gum Swamp May 22 (4 Cos.). Bachelor's Creek May 23. Washington May 24. Tranter's Creek, Jacksonville. May 31-June 2. Plymouth June 16. Scout to Ccre Creek June 17-18. Raid on Wilmington & Weldon Railroad July 3-7 (Detachment). Trenton July 8. Hallsville July 4. Warsaw and Kenensville July 5. Tar River Expedition July 18-24. Swift Creek July 18. Near Greenville July 19. Tarboro and Rocky Mount Station July 20. Sparta July 20. Hookerstown July 21. Swift Creek and Street's Ferry July 22. Scupperton July 22. Pollocksville July 26. Near New Berne October 7. Camden Court House and Dismal Swamp November 3. Operations about New Berne against Whiting January 18-February 4, 1864. Wistar's Expedition toward Richmond February 6-8, 1864. Bettom's Bridge and Baltimore Cross Roads February 7. Kautz's Raid against Petersburg & Weldon Railroad May 5-11. Wall's Bridge May 5. Stony Creek Station, Weldon Railroad, May 7. Nottaway Railroad Bridge May 8. White's Bridge, Nottaway River, May 8-9. Kautz's Raid on Richmond & Danville Railroad May 12-17. Flat Creek Bridge, near Chula Depot, May 14. Belcher's Mills May 16. Bermuda Hundred May 17-30. Near Hatcher's Run June 2. Near Petersburg June 9. Baylor's Farm June 15. Assaults on Petersburg June 15-18. Siege operations against Petersburg and Richmond June 16-December 1, 1864. Wilson's Raid on South Side & Danville Railroad June 22-30. Roanoke Bridge June 25. Sappony Church or Stony Creek June 28. Ream's Station June 29. Deep Bottom July 27-29. Malvern Hill August 1. Yellow Tavern August 19-21. Ream's Station August 23-25. Lee's Mills August 31. Reconnoissance to Sycamore Church September 5-6. Prince George Court House September 15. Jerusalem Plank Road and Sycamore Church September 16. Prince George Court House September 22. Chaffin's Farm September 28-30. Charles City Cross Roads October 1. Derbytown Road October 7 and 13. Johnson's Farm and New Market Road October 7. Chaffin's Farm October 8. Charles City Cross Roads October 20. Fair Oaks October 27-28. Charles City Cross Roads November 1. Darbytown Road November 15. Moved to Norfolk, Va., December, and duty there till January, 1865. Operations about Broadwater Ferry, Chowan River, December 11-19. Duty at Suffolk, Portsmouth and Norfolk till July. Scout to South Quay January 2, 1865 (Cos. "A," "B," "C," "H" and "L"). Expedition to Murfree's Depot, N. C., March 10-11. South Quay March 11. Consolidated with 1st New York Mounted Rifles July 21, 1865, to form 4th Regiment Provisional Cavalry.

Regiment lost during service 3 Officers and 45 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 1 Officer and 150 Enlisted men by disease. Total 199.

SOURCE: Frederick H. Dyer, A Compendium of the War of the Rebellion, Part 3, p. 1372-3

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