
Monday, September 8, 2014

3rd Ohio Independent Cavalry Company

Organized at Cincinnati, Ohio, July 4, 1861. Ordered to the Kanawha Valley, W. Va. Attached to Cox's Kanawha Brigade to October, 1861. District of the Kanawha, W. Va., to March, 1862. Kanawha Division, West Virginia, to August, 1862. Kanawha Division, 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac, to October, 1862. Kanawha Division, District West Virginia, Dept. Ohio, to March, 1863. Averill's 4th Separate Brigade, 8th Corps, Middle Dept., to June, 1863. Averill's 4th Separate Brigade, Dept. of West Virginia, to December, 1863. 2nd Brigade, 4th Division, West Virginia, to April, 1864. Kelly's Command, Reserve Division, West Virginia, to April, 1865. 2nd Brigade, 1st Infantry Division, West Virginia, to May, 1865.

SERVICE. – Duty in the Kanawha Valley, W. Va., till August, 1862. Action at Princeton September 16, 1861. Greenbrier River October 3. Operations in the Kanawha Valley and New River Region October 19-November 16, 1861. New River October 19-21. Moved to Gauley and duty there till May, 1862. Advance on Virginia & Tennessee Railroad May 10. At Flat Top Mountain till August, 1862. Moved to Washington, D.C., August 15-24. Maryland Campaign September 6-24. Frederick City, Md., September 12. South Mountain September 14. Battle of Antietam September 16-17. March to Clear Springs October 8, thence to Hancock and to the Kanawha Valley October 9-November 17. Duty in the Kanawha Valley till April, 1863. Operations against Imboden's Raid in West Virginia April 20-May 14. At Buckhannon, Bulltown, Clarksburg, Parkersburg and Weston May to July. Moved to Beverly July 2-7. Beverly July 2-3. Duty at Beverly till November. Shanghai July 16. Martinsburg July 18-19. Averill's Raid through Hardy, Pendleton, Highland, Bath, Greenbrier and Pocohontas Counties August 5-31. Rocky Gap, near White Sulphur Springs, August 25-26. Averill's Raid from Beverly to Lewisburg and the Virginia & Tennessee Railroad November 1-17. Droop Mountain November 6. Averill's Raid from New Creek to Salem and the Virginia & Tennessee Railroad December 8-25. Descent on Salem December 16. Jackson River, near Covington, December 19. Duty at Beverly till April, 1864, and at Harper's Ferry and on the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad till May, 1865. Mustered out May 22, 1865.

Company lost during service 5 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 10 Enlisted men by disease. Total 15.

SOURCE: Frederick H. Dyer, A Compendium of the War of the Rebellion, Part 3, p. 1481

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