
Thursday, September 18, 2014

Commodore Samuel F. Du Pont to Senator James W. Grimes, March 6, 1862

[Wabash, off Fernandina, March 6th, 1862]

Captain Davis has in charge for you a rifle captured at Fernandina, which I desire you to do me the honor to accept. The victory was bloodless, but most complete in results. The defenses have astounded us by their capabilities, scientific location, and formidable character, with wonderful immunity from danger. Their cannon are heavy and fine; one 120-pounder rifle-gun, which they had slung in the trucks to get away with, but dropped on the beach, we have nothing to compare with. The most curious feature in the operations was the chase of a train of cars by a gunboat for one mile and a half; two soldiers being killed, the passengers rushed out into the woods, one of your late members among them, Mr. Yulee; he passed the night under a bush, and I hope had a blanket, for it was the coldest of the season.

SOURCE: William Salter, The Life of James W. Grimes, p. 170

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