
Friday, September 26, 2014

Diary of Private Charles H. Lynch: February 6, 1864

Martinsburg, West Virginia. Cloudy, cold. Detailed for picket duty. Located on Charlestown Pike, southeast of town. On post two hours and off four. So I passed the day. Along in the evening, while out on post, was relieved from duty, informed that I had been granted a furlough for ten days, giving to me an opportunity to visit old Connecticut. On my return to camp, found that Edwin White of our company had also received a furlough. After a bath and a change of raiment, we decided to journey together. We left camp about eleven o'clock at night. At the depot was informed that the next train North would leave at 2 A. M., which would be Sunday morning. About midnight we started up town to find something to eat. The town being under martial law, provost guards were at every corner to protect the town and preserve order. I was in possession of the countersign, having received it early in the evening while on picket duty. Did not find anything to eat, had a good time walking around while waiting for the train. Whenever challenged by the guards, I would advance and give the countersign. Few trains were run on the B. & O. R. R. in the night. Shall not be able to get anything to eat until our arrival in Baltimore, where the train is due about 7 A. M. We are very happy over the prospect of seeing home and friends once more, having been in the service for eighteen months.

SOURCE: Charles H. Lynch, The Civil War Diary, 1862-1865, of Charles H. Lynch 18th Conn. Vol's, p. 40

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