
Monday, September 1, 2014

Governor Alexander Ramsey to William H. Acker, April 14, 1861

washington, April 14, 1861.
Wm. H. Acker, Adjutant General Minnesota,

Sir: In the excitement which the attack and reduction of Fort Sumter occasioned here and elsewhere in the East, the states all around made a tender of generous support to the government, and aware that the patriotic people of Minnesota would be offended if there were any delay on my part in doing the same on their behalf, I at once hastened to the War Office and addressed the foregoing communication to General Cameron. The call now issued to the states for men, does not, as you will doubtless have learned by telegraph ere this, include Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa or Michigan; but our contingent should be in some degree of readiness, for the call may shortly be extended to us. You had better, therefore, be on the qui vive, and I will write you again to-morrow.

If troops are asked of us, they will probably rendezvous at St. Paul, and the expense of uniforming and of transportation will be borne by the government here.

Very truly,
Alexander ramsey.

SOURCE: Minnesota. Board of Commissioners on Publication of History of Minnesota in Civil and Indian Wars, Minnesota in the Civil and Indian Wars, 1861-1865, Volume 2, p. 1

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