
Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Governor Samuel J. Kirkwood to Abraham Lincoln, January 7, 1861

Des Moines Iowa Jan 7 1861
His Excellency Abraham Lincoln
President Elect of the United States

Sir: I learn that the name of Col. Fitz Henry Warren of this state has been presented to your consideration in connection with the position of Post Master General.

I am aware that in the present unfortunate condition of the country, the duty of selecting your cabinet officers is one of peculiar delicacy & importance and do not wish to be understood as pressing the appointment of Col. Warren if in your judgment public considerations render necessary the appointment of a gentleman from some other State.

If however no such necessity exists I am well satisfied that Col. Warrens appointment would be a matter of great pride and gratification to the people of this State and that his well known character, his acknowledged ability, his previous connection with the Post Office Department and his devotion to the principles of free government afford ample guaranty that he would discharge the duties of the position named, creditably to himself and advantageoulsy to the public.

Very Respectfully
Samuel J Kirkwood

SOURCE: This letter can be found among The Abraham Lincoln Papers at the Library of Congress.

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