
Monday, September 8, 2014

Governor Samuel J. Kirkwood to S. R. Ingham, August 29, 1862

August 29, 1862.
S. R. Ingham Esq.

Sir: — I am informed there is probable danger of an attack of hostile Indians on the inhabitants of the northwestern portion of our State. Arms and powder will be sent you at Fort Dodge, lead and caps will be sent with you. I hand you an order on the Auditor of State for one thousand dollars.

You will please proceed at once to Fort Dodge and to such other places there as you may deem proper. Use the arms, ammunition and money placed in your hands, in such manner as your judgment may dictate, so as best to promote the protection of the inhabitants of the frontier. It would be well to communicate with Capt. Millard commanding the company of mounted men raised for United States service at Sioux City. Place any men you may deem it advisable to raise, under his command. Use your discretion in all things, and exercise any power I could exercise if I were present, according to your best discretion. Please report to me in writing.

Very respectfully your obedient servant,

SOURCE: Henry Warren Lathrop, The Life and Times of Samuel J. Kirkwood, Iowa's War Governor, p. 173;

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