
Sunday, September 21, 2014

Major-General Charles F. Smith to Senator James W. Grimes, March 13, 1862

Savannah, Tenn., March 13, 1862.

Your kind and complimentary note of the 24th ult., addressed to me at Paducah, was not received by me until this morning. I fear that yourself and others overrate the value of my services recently; I did not suppose I was doing anything remarkable; however, I am not the less sensible of the kindness and manliness you have exhibited toward one so entirely a stranger to you as myself. I am deeply grateful to you, believe me. As I know it will gratify your State pride, it affords me great pleasure to say that, although all of the Iowa regiments acted creditably, the behavior of the Second was, during the assault of the 15th, as fine an exhibition of soldierly conduct as it has ever been my fortune to witness.

I am here with a large force on a rather delicate mission, which will be developed in a few days. Again thanking you for your manliness and kindness, I remain

Very truly your friend and servant,
C. F. Smith.
The Hon. James W. Grimes, Washington.

SOURCE: William Salter, The Life of James W. Grimes, p. 183

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