
Monday, October 13, 2014

Diary of Josephine Shaw Lowell: August 24, 1861

On Thursday (22d) Nellie, Howard1 and I left New York at 12: 15 and coming by the Shore Line reached Newport at 9 P.M. Yesterday we walked down to the beach in the morning and in the afternoon went to see the Constitution, the ship where the Cadets live. We took a sailboat and when we had gone over the ship, visited the fort. It was a very pleasant trip and with pleasant people. Wherever we go we hear pleasant things of Rob. Yesterday a young Mr. Tuckerman inquired after him, saying: “Mother will be so pleased to hear something of Rob; we can't help calling him Rob, — you know everybody does, he's such a general favorite.” And then Minnie Temple says that Gus King (who was in Rob's tent in Washington in April), upon seeing his photo, exclaimed, “Oh, do you know Rob Thaw? Why he'th the beth fellow I ever thaw!” It is so pleasant to hear such things of the dear fellow.

1 William Howard White, a cousin, brought up in the family.

SOURCE: William Rhinelander Stewart, The Philanthropic Work of Josephine Shaw Lowell, p. 17-8

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