
Sunday, October 19, 2014

Governor Alexander W. Randall to Governor Samuel J. Kirkwood, December 23, 1861

Executive Office, Madison, Dec. 23, 1861.
His Excy. Gov. Kirkwood, Iowa:

Dear Sir: — It seems to me that the large amount of labor and responsibility thrown upon the executives of the several states during the past season entitle them to some consideration at the hands of congress. In all cases where forces enough have been sent from any state to entitle the state to an appointment of a Major-General, the Governor ought to be paid the compensation of a Major-General. In all other cases to be paid the compensation of a Brigadier-General, and congress ought to make an appropriation for the purpose. I propose that we make common cause with our members of congress to favor such an act. If the idea meets your approval, please write your members on the subject.

Very respectfully,
Alex. W. Randall.

SOURCE: State Historical Society of Iowa, Iowa Historical Record, Volumes 1-3, Volume 2, No. 3, July 1886, p. 322-3

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