
Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Governor Samuel J. Kirkwood to John Clark, December 16, 1862

Executive Office,
Davenport, Iowa, Dec. 16. 1862.
John Clark, Esq., State Agent,
Springfield, Mo.

Dear Sir: — I have just seen Col. Gifford, who returned night before last. He gives me a deplorable account of the condition of our boys at Springfield. I want you to stay in Missouri as long as you find it necessary. See the Medical Director, Gen. Curtis, Gen. Herron and every one else until you get our boys cared for. You need not be backward or mealy-mouthed in discussing the state of affairs, and in cursing everyone who wont do his duty. Talk right hard, and have our boys cared for. If hay and straw cannot be had, have Gen. Curtis send cots and mattresses, and call on the Sanitary Association of St. Louis for help and supplies.

Very truly,

SOURCE: Henry Warren Lathrop, The Life and Times of Samuel J. Kirkwood, Iowa's War Governor, p. 235

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