
Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Governor Samuel J. Kirkwood to Major-General Henry W. Halleck, February 17, 1862

Des Moines, Ia., Feb. 17, 1862.
Gen. H. W. Halleck, St. Louis, Mo.:

Sir: — I have received from Gen. Schuyler Hamilton Special Order No. 30, issued by him on the 10th inst., disgracing the 2d regiment Iowa Volunteer Infantry, by causing them to march to the point of embarkation at St. Louis with flag furled and without music.

I have felt constrained to return said order to Gen. Hamilton, for the reason that it seemed to me harsh and cruel to punish an entire regiment for an act of which but very few could have been guilty, and for which, as far as has been shown, all may have been innocent, and that I could not, under such circumstances, by receiving said order, admit the justice of the punishment.

I trust I will not be considered as intrusive in calling this matter to your attention, and earnestly requesting that if possible the stigma may be removed from the regiment. Very respectfully your obedient servant,

Samuel J. Kirkwood

SOURCE: State Historical Society of Iowa, Iowa Historical Record, Volumes 1-3, Volume 2, No. 3, July 1886, p. 324

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