
Monday, October 20, 2014

Governor Samuel J. Kirkwood to Senator James W. Grimes, December 26, 1861

Executive Office, Iowa, Dec. 26, 1861.

Hon. James W. Grimes, Washington City, D. C:

Dear Sir: — Herewith find copy of a letter from Gov. Randall, of Wisconsin. In view of the great labor and responsibility of the governors of the northern states, I do not know but the suggestion of the Governor of Wisconsin is a timely one, had the general government the money to spare. We have all been doing labor as great as belongs to offices much better paid than ours have been, and have been bestowing offices all summer, the salaries of which are much higher than ours. And certainly our labor has been as important as any that has been done, and as it has been done for the United States, there would not be any impropriety in so acknowledging its value. But the government needs all its money and more, and there are other better uses to which to put the money. I am painfully impressed with the conviction that our regiments have not enough medical aid, and I would much rather congress would give an additional assistant surgeon to each regiment from Iowa than any pay to its Governor.

Very truly,
Samuel J. Kirkwood.

SOURCE: State Historical Society of Iowa, Iowa Historical Record, Volumes 1-3, Volume 2, No. 3, July 1886, p. 323

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