
Friday, November 14, 2014

Congressman William B. Allison to Governor Samuel J. Kirkwood, March 15, 1863

Dubuque, March 15th, 1863.

Dear Governor: — I congratulate you on your confirmation as Resident Minister to Denmark. I regret very much that you are called to leave the State at so critical a period in its history. Your State administration has been successful and impartial. You have won the esteem and affection of the people. I fear very much that we shall find difficulty in choosing a successor who will sustain our good name and fame. I would like very much to see you before you leave the State. Could you not hold the position in abeyance, until your term expires, or very nearly so? We will have a bitter contest this fall, and will need all the wisdom, influence and ability we have to confront the rebels at home. You can be of great service to us, and thereby to the country, by remaining here most of the summer, if no longer. Whenever you go however, you will bear with you the best wishes of the loyal people of Iowa, whom you have so well and faithfully served.

Sincerely your friend and servant,

SOURCE: Henry Warren Lathrop, The Life and Times of Samuel J. Kirkwood, Iowa's War Governor, p. 279

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