
Thursday, November 20, 2014

Diary of Josephine Shaw Lowell: May 19, 1862

Rob came home tonight. In the first place, when Father came down this afternoon he brought a letter from Rob, dated Washington, where he said he was with Copeland,1 who was trying to get permission to raise a regiment and wished to make him major. Father upon receipt of this telegraphed asking how long he was to remain in Washington, with the intention of going on tonight in case he stayed long enough. Apparently in answer to this came a telegram from Copeland: “Lieut. R. G. Shaw’s leave of absence extended ten days by order of Major General Banks.” We thought then that he had much business on hand and might possibly get home, but otherwise Nellie, Clover2 and I were going on with Father. We thought of it, that is. After tea as we sat in the parlor, a man came up on to the piazza and we said: “Who's that?” The door opened and Rob stood there. The confusion was extreme, as may be imagined, but we calmed down shortly.

1 Morris Copeland, Quartermaster 2d Mass. Infantry.
2 Miss Hooper, daughter of Dr. Hooper.

SOURCE: William Rhinelander Stewart, The Philanthropic Work of Josephine Shaw Lowell, p. 26

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