
Saturday, November 15, 2014

Diary of Private Charles H. Lynch: May 9, 1864

Nothing important has transpired since the last date. Our regiment was kept on the advance picket line. Orders to march. The army again on the march. Pushing on up the valley. Getting farther from our base of supplies as we march over the old pike where we have marched before, while doing scouting duty. Our cavalry on the advance are continually skirmishing with the enemy's cavalry who try to contest every mile as our advance pushes on. Marched through Newtown and Middletown. Hot dusty marching. Much suffering from the extreme heat. Every time we halt, run for water. Many good springs in this section. Once in a while we find a sulphur spring. Don't like the taste of it but are obliged to drink it in order to quench our thirst. I am in the best of health. Rugged enough for this kind of life. Thankful that I am so well. Our advance are continually skirmishing with the enemy. Sometimes it sounds as though there was a hot time. We are looking for a battle as we advance. Notice and talk about the points of interest as we go marching on. Fine country is this Shenandoah Valley. Blue Ridge Mountains on our left. Came to a halt on the north bank of Cedar Creek, about three miles from the town of Strasburg. Make camp here for the night. Pleased when we halt for the night.

SOURCE: Charles H. Lynch, The Civil War Diary, 1862-1865, of Charles H. Lynch 18th Conn. Vol's, p. 57-8

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