
Sunday, November 2, 2014

George William Curtis to Charles Eliot Norton, July 30, 1861

July 30, '61.

What a summer it is and has been! That nothing shall be wanting, we have a comet, too; a comet seen last when Charles Fifth was abdicating and Calais was falling, and Elizabeth was coming to the throne, and Ben Jonson and Spenser and the Dutch William were alive, and Philip Sidney was a gray-eyed boy of two. Can you see all that in the bushy swash of the comet's tail?

Winthrop's death makes a great void in our little neighborhood. We all knew him so well and loved him so warmly, and he was so much and intimately with us, that he seems to have fallen out of our arms dead.

Thank Jane for her most welcome letter. Give our dear loves to your dear mother, to Jane and Grace; and may God have us all and our country in his holy keeping.

SOURCE: Edward Cary, George William Curtis, p. 146-7

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