
Friday, November 28, 2014

Gustavus V. Fox to John M. Forbes, July 30, 1861

Navy Department, July 30, 1861.

Sir, — I notice your letter to the Secretary of July 27. I think the Rover better be fitted for a long cruise towards the line, where her steam might enable her to pick up a privateer in calm latitudes. You must send forward nominations for all the officers, or there will be delay.  . . . Let us have the officers at once. The department will buy no ships east of New York, except through your board, and any other parties have no countenance from here. If the board jump clear of them, their act will be approved. We mean to have you act unfettered, to the best of your judgment, but I should try to keep inside of 1100 tons. . . .

Very truly yours,
G. V. Fox.

SOURCE: Sarah Forbes Hughes, Letters and Recollections of John Murray Forbes, Volume 1, p. 231-2

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