
Monday, November 3, 2014

Major-General George G. Meade to John Sergeant Meade*, June 27, 1864

Headquarters Army Of The Potomac, June 27, 1864.

Should I get the Philadelphia Fair sword, and the one from the City Councils, I think I shall be well off for weapons to wield in my country's cause.

Hancock and myself are anxiously awaiting the decision in the great sword case, he having hopes some one will come down at the last moment in a sealed envelope with a clincher.

The weather has been so intensely hot, dry and dusty, that both sides were compelled to cease for awhile the pleasant task of sending people to eternity, which for the last fifty days we have been so successfully pursuing. The rest was much needed by both armies, and has been particularly enjoyed by myself.

I have now as guests two French officers sent by the Emperor, to see all they can; one of them, Colonel de Chenal, married a relative of the Hopkinsons. They are both intelligent gentlemen, and their visit has been very pleasant and agreeable.

I can hardly tell you what we are going to do next, whether to lay siege to Petersburg or something else; a few days I suppose will tell.

George1 continues quite well; Jim Biddle, Cadwalader2 and all the rest are in fine health and spirits.

* Son of General Meade.
1 Son of General Meade.
2 Charles E. Cadwalader

SOURCE: George Meade, The Life and Letters of George Gordon Meade, Vol. 2, p. 209

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