
Monday, November 3, 2014

Senator James W. Grimes to Admiral Samuel F. Du Pont, June 15, 1864

Washington, June 15, 1864.

I would be delighted to visit you near Wilmington, and I know Mrs. Grimes would be, but she went North about the 20th of April, where she remained a few weeks, and then returned to our home in Iowa, where she now is. As you can easily suppose, I am most anxious to leave here that I may join her, and shall not be inclined to tarry by the wayside on my journey westward. I intend some time, with my wife, to make you a visit, and I intend to do it at the first opportunity I have; and in this I am most heartily joined by Mrs. Grimes, for I need not tell you that she is a stanch adherent of yours.

SOURCE: William Salter, The Life of James W. Grimes, p. 263

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