
Sunday, November 9, 2014

Senator James W. Grimes to Admiral Samuel F. Du Pont, January 2, 1865

Washington, January 2, 1865.

The prize law1 of last winter was drawn up by Judge Sprague and R. H. Dana, Jr., of Boston, and passed the House of Representatives as drafted by them with slight modifications. When it came to the Senate, believing that it would be suffered to sleep the sleep of death in the Naval Committee, I got it referred to the Judiciary Committee, and there intrusted to the guardianship of my friend Mr. Foster, of Connecticut, who soon reported it back with the recommendation that the House amendments be disagreed with, and that the bill be passed precisely as it came from Messrs. Sprague and Dana. This was done, the House concurred, and thus the bill became a law.

1 Approved, June 30, 1864.

SOURCE: William Salter, The Life of James W. Grimes, p. 272-3

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