
Sunday, December 7, 2014

Diary of Reverend James Freeman Clarke: January 1, 1863

President Lincoln's proclamation,1 freeing the slaves. Tremont Temple; I speak. Tea at Mrs. Ellis Gray Loring's.2 Evening, go to meet the Educational Commission at Mrs. Cabot's.3

1 Announcement had been made of this proclamation on the 22d of September, to take effect on the 1st of January.

2 Mr. Loring was one of the original Abolitionists, a member of the Church of the Disciples, and a near personal friend.

3 This was a commission which had in charge the sending of teachers to the freedmen at Port Royal and other points occupied by the national forces.

SOURCE: Edwin Everett Hale, Editor, James Freeman Clarke: Autobiography, Diary and Correspondence, p. 284

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