
Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Brigadier-General John A. Rawlins to Mary Emeline Hurlburt Rawlins, January 31, 1864

Nashville, Jan. 31, 1864.

. . . General Grant has not yet returned, but will leave St. Louis in the morning. I see by the papers he was to have a supper given him at the Lindell last night. I'm sorry it is so, for I had hoped he would go there and return without permitting himself to be paraded before the public, but the fact is — you know the General pretty well — he can't say no, and then there is another thing which may do to tell the masses: that is, he dislikes these public ovations. He may appear awkward in the midst of them, but he likes them nevertheless. At least I've yet to know of his declining one. You are fully aware of my fears in all this. I need not state them.

SOURCE: James H. Wilson, The Life of John A. Rawlins, p. 393

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