
Thursday, January 29, 2015

Diary of Corporal Alexander G. Downing: Thursday, March 31, 1864

I went to a party this evening, given in honor of the veterans, over at Mr. Hatch's, on Yankee Street.1 There were not many present, but all enjoyed themselves. I found a new road to travel, a mile from this place — if all goes well. Things are very quiet in this settlement, but almost every young man here is thinking of returning with us to help bring the war to a close. It does us good to see the loyal sentiment among the people at home. The general belief at home is that the war cannot last more than a year longer.

1Yankee Street was the name given to an adjoining neighborhood. — A. G. D.

Source: Alexander G. Downing, Edited by Olynthus B., Clark, Downing’s Civil War Diary, p. 177

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