
Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Diary of Corporal Charles H. Lynch: July 1, 1864

This hot morning finds us still in our good camp on the banks of the Great Kanawah River, surrounded by lofty mountains. We have been informed of a fine spring of water over the river, upon a mountain. Some of the residents wish that we would try it and drink of its good waters. They offered us the use of a boat. We rowed over, taking a number of canteens. After a good drink from the spring coming out of the side of the mountain, we had a most wonderful view of this fine valley from another point. The pleasure we had paid us well for our trouble. At this point the river is very wide and deep. We were informed by old residents that soundings had been made and failed to find any bottom.

Wrote many letters from here. Weather fine for camp life. Shelter tents are all right in fine weather. Since the battle of Piedmont, June 5th, our company has been under the command of a sergeant. Two of our officers are prisoners, and one absent on account of wounds.

Marching orders received. Must leave this ideal spot early tomorrow morning. Here we have plenty of good rations and a good rest. Late this afternoon a hard shower came up, a regular mountain shower. The clouds broke loose right over this spot. So hot we don't mind it very much, will soon dry up. It all comes in the life of a soldier.

SOURCE: Charles H. Lynch, The Civil War Diary, 1862-1865, of Charles H. Lynch 18th Conn. Vol's, p. 90

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